Donovan Stewart


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 Donovan Stewart, is my name and I worked as a Cabinetmaking Instructor for Operation Friendship /HEART / N.T.A. [1978-2005]
I teach young people the basics in cabinetmaking,Mathmatics,Blueprint reading.

I am also a Supervisor at Operation Friendship Trade Training Centre a place where we manufacture Kitchen Cabinets and various types of Custom made furniture .
My main reponsibilities there are to liase with customers re: job orders visiting and taking measurements for the job ,estimating and purchasing materials for the job etc etc.

I have worked with the following companies in the capacity as a cabinetmaker :PARLAVILLE INDUSTRIES,SPENCE'S FURNITURE MANUFACTURING & ANDERSON ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES , UNITED FURNITURE and various other establishments along the way, upgrading my skills as I moved along. I have now migrated to the USA. I have worked with Furniture factories and individuals (Home Depot, New Day woodwork, Time Moving, etc. I am now working for NYCHA (New York City Housing Authority) as a Maintenance Engineer.

Electrical, Plumbing ,tiles ,sheet rack, entrance doors, door locks, windows,stoppages, install both basin and kitchen sinks are some of the work that has to be done as a maintenance engineer for NYCHA.

History of My works in progress and where I am headed
Donovan Stewart                  (Instructor/Cabinetmaker / Construction Manager/Maintenance Engineer)

Modern Woodworking provides basic information about Cabinetmaking different styles etc.

I now am working for NYCHA

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DONOVAN STEWART [Maintenance Engineer]